podcaist.com - Pricing


At podcaist.com, we believe in straightforward, transparent pricing. Our unique AI-driven service transforms written articles into engaging podcasts for an affordable, all-inclusive rate.

Our Price

$0.67 per 100 words of script

How It Works

Payment is made by depositing money into your account. Here's a simple overview of the process:

  1. Deposit Funds: Visit our deposit page to add funds.
  2. Create Script: input your articles and let the AI create a script for you, no charge at this point.
  3. Create Podcast: As you convert your script into a podcast, the cost is subtracted from your account balance at the rate of $0.67 per 100 words of script.
  4. Monitor Usage: Keep track of your balance and conversion costs with your account dashboard.

What is 500 words?

On average a person speaks about 150 words a minute. So our pricing will come down to about $1 per minute of generated podcast.

Manage Your Balance

  1. Go to our deposit page to add funds to your account.
  2. Check your account dashboard to monitor your balance and see detailed conversion history.

Why Choose Our Pricing Model?

  • Affordable: Competitive pricing ensures you can convert more content without breaking the bank.
  • Simple: One simple rate, no confusing packages or subscriptions.
  • Flexible: Deposit as much or as little as you need, and use it at your own pace.

Start Today

Experience the convenience and power of transforming your written content into engaging podcast episodes. Our pricing is designed to be as accessible and straightforward as possible, so you can focus on creating great content.

Visit our deposit page to get started!