podcaist.com - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How does Podcaist turn a text into an audio conversation?

Podcaist’s technology combines two crucial pieces of expertise. First, it analyzes and converts texts into a dialogue-based script. Then, it uses this script to create high-quality audio using text-to-speech technology. This is how Podcaist assembles a polished podcast episode.

Why produce a podcast in the first place?

Podcaist opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your content strategy, which is key to staying relevant and engaging your audience. This way, you can broaden your audience reach, save time, boost productivity, and scale your content effortlessly. Podcaist’s AI technology enables this without expensive equipment or studio time and with consistent quality.

Which languages does Podcaist support for its input and output?

Podcaist can recognize all major global languages as your input. If you have a relevant text in Korean, Spanish, or Chinese, just go ahead with it! For now, the output (the created scripts and the actual podcast episodes) is limited to English or Dutch.

Can I choose my own host and guest voices for the podcast?

We offer four male and four female voices in English and Dutch. You can choose any combination within the language selected. Our voices all have names, but for your podcast, you can change these names to any name you want.

Can I edit the podcast script?

In fact, this is one of the unique options within Podcaist. After uploading your texts or URLs, Podcaist creates a script that shows the conversation between host and guest step by step. Every single paragraph can be edited: add, delete, or change anything you want. A specific call to action at the end of the episode? Done in the blink of an eye.

Is there a length limit for the podcast?

The length of each episode is determined by the choices you make in your profile. How many items do you want to discuss? How many interactions do you like for every item? Based on those choices, Podcaist will produce a script. In the script, you can add words or sentences per conversation box, but you cannot add boxes. A podcast with 3 items and 5 interactions per item will typically last around 10 minutes.

How do you calculate the price per episode?

We count the words rather than the seconds. On average, a person speaks about 150 words a minute. Our pricing comes down to about $1 per minute for the generated podcast. To be exact: $0.67 per 100 words.